
Welcome to membership in the AWGA. We offer four tiers of membership for members of Arizona's grape and wine industry, as well as for those want to support it. Please select a membership type that best suits your circumstance.

Master Grower/Winemaker $500

Membership in the AWGA shall be open to any Arizona-based person or business entity engaged in the commercial growing/selling of grapes or production and selling of wine. These members will be entitled to all benefits of membership in the AWGA, plus voting.

Grower In Development $250

Membership in the AWGA shall be open to any Arizona-based person or business entity having at least two acres planned or planted or in the process of obtaining an Arizona Farm Winery License, or any person or business entity that holds an Arizona Farm Winery License but has not yet started production and selling of wine or grapes, plus voting.

Supporting Member $50

Any other person or entity not eligible as a voting member may be eligible as a Supporter Member, i.e. consumers who support the Arizona wine industry and enjoy Arizona wine.

Associate Member $200

Any other person or business entity not eligible as a voting member may be eligible as an Associate Member, i.e. one who provides goods and services to the wine industry or engages in the sale of wine.