

Join us in changing the lives of vulnerable Western Australians in Advocacy, News, Tools and Support.

As a member of the Financial Counsellors Association of Western Australia (FCAWA), you have access to a host of resources, all designed to help you support more people in financial hardship and stress.

The membership year is from the 1st of July to the 30th of June each year.

Existing Members

The Association would like to thank our existing members for their ongoing support and invaluable contributions to the sector. We invite you to renew your membership for the upcoming year, starting July 1, 2024. Please note, the renewal grace period extends until August 31, 2024. After this date if an Accredited, Associate or Practicing Student member has not submitted a membership renewal and met the compliance requirements, the membership will lapse and the member will not be able to practice as a financial counsellor.

Existing members are requested to visit the FCA Toolkit at renewal time and ensure their details are up to date.

If a member will not be practicing as a financial counsellor during the membership year the member can apply for a Leave of Absence Request.

Please use this link to locate the 'Leave of Absence' form and for further terms and conditions.

If you are a financial counsellor and have left the sector for an extended period (over 2 years) and you are re-entering the sector, please click on 'New' membership. There are terms and conditions for financial counsellors re-entering the sector based on certain factors, you will be advised upon application.

New Members

We welcome new members to join FCAWA and new applications are accepted at any time during the membership year.

FCAWA has five levels of membership. Each level of membership is detailed below for eligibility criteria and an outline provided of member benefits for each level.

Please refer to the Membership Kit on our Website for information on membership, resources, process and policy.

Please ensure you click 'New' membership if this is your FIRST year of membership or 'Renewing' if you were a member with us last year.

We request new members to sign up to the FCA Toolkit ( Please advise once you have registered on the FCA Toolkit. When your membership is approved, FCAWA will activate your access to the Toolkit.

ALL Members

Please note, after you have registered for your Glue Up Account and completed the application process, you will be sent a notification from Glue Up to advise your application is awaiting approval. Your application will then be in the pipeline for assessment/processing this can take some time as we are a professional body and each application goes through an assessment process. Please check you have submitted all the required information for your membership level and your details are up to date and accurate. Once your application is approved, you will be notified an invoice will be sent to you via email for payment.

If you have any technical, membership or compliance queries please email

Thank you for your continued support!

  • Affiliate (Non-Voting)
    12 months
    Package price

    Affiliate (Non-Voting) - An individual working in the financial counselling sector in a related role OR Actively studying for the Diploma of Financial Counselling or has completed the Diploma of Community Services (Financial Counselling) - but is not working as a financial counsellor.


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  • Student (Non-Voting)
    12 months
    Package price

    Student (Non-Voting) - An individual actively studying the Diploma of Financial Counselling who may, or may not be working as a financial counsellor. 

    • Access to the National Toolkit website;

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  • Subscriber Membership
    12 months
    Package price

    Subscriber Membership - Individuals over 18 (who do not work directly in the field of Financial Counselling) AND for agencies /organisations, who are actively supportive of the aims of the Association; whose interests are not in conflict with the interests of the Association AND in the case of organisations, those whose objects and purposes are not inconsistent with those of the Association, as evidenced in the applicant organisation's constitution, rules, memorandum of association or other documents which set out the objects and purposes of the organisation.

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  • Associate Membership
    12 months
    Package price

    Associate Membership - Working as a Financial Counsellor AND Holds the Diploma of Financial Counselling and has not yet had 24 months full-time experience, however meets the requirements for continuing professional development and supervision. 


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  • Accredited
    12 months
    Package price

    Accredited Membership - Qualified financial counsellor has had 24 months full-time post qualification experience working as a Financial Counsellor AND if working as a Financial Counsellor, meets requirements for continuing professional development and supervision. OR If not working as a Financial Counsellor, meets requirements for continuing professional development. 


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