Voting - For paid music staff engaged in full-time employment (1.0 FTE)
Voting - For music staff paid for at least ¾ time (.75 FTE) but less than full time (1.0 FTE)
Voting - For music staff paid for at least 1/2 time (.5 FTE) but less than ¾ time (.75 FTE)
Voting - For music staff paid for less than 1/2 time (<.5 FTE)—Note that this includes ALL unpaid music staff regardless of hours worked
Voting - For music professionals and leaders who are unaffiliated with a specific congregation (freelance musicians/troubadours, composers, etc.) and retired program directors
Voting - For ministry professionals of other UUA professional organizations (UUMA, LREDA, UUAMP, etc.)
non-voting - For those who wish to support the work and mission of the Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries
$3000 or $200/year for 15 years (in lieu of above Regular membership dues). After 15 years, no more dues will be charged, and member will have all member privileges in perpetuity.
$50/person - available to additional music staff, paid or unpaid. Must be in conjunction with purchase of ONE membership at any of the Regular Levels I-IV or Lifetime Membership who are currently serving the congregation.(Congregations unable to meet this fee level may apply for funding assistance)
If wanting to pay for your staff with one membership, please see the Corporate Membership list and select the level that best describes your situation.